Whistleblowers frequently ask whether they can pursue claims without publicly disclosing their identity. This concern is often motivated by the fear of retaliation and/or “blackballing.”
When such concerns are present, we employ various strategies on behalf of our clients to protect their identities as much as possible.
First, we treat any information that a whistleblower provides to WMHW, even before the formal establishment of an attorney-client relationship, with the utmost care and confidentially. Lawyers are strictly prohibited from disclosing information provided by clients and prospective clients, and we take this obligation seriously.
Second, we often file FCA claims on behalf of our clients under a pseudonym, such as “Jane Doe” or “John Doe.”
Third, we frequently work with whistleblower clients to create limited liability companies (LLCs) or limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to serve as the named party in a proceeding.
To schedule a free and confidential consultation call 888.384.2588 or click here.