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Jim Walden and Milton L. Williams Named 2020 Litigation Trailblazers by The National Law Journal

The National Law Journal

Jim Walden and Milton L. Williams have been named 2020 Litigation Trailblazers by The National Law Journal.  The list recognizes outstanding attorneys nationwide who have “shown a deep passion and perseverance in pursuit of their mission, having achieved remarkable successes along the way.” Only 36 attorneys nationwide were selected for inclusion.

Jim’s profile highlights his work as Special Counsel, appointed by Gov. Phil Murphy, to a Tax Incentive Task Force investigating widespread misappropriation of New Jersey’s multibillion-dollar Economic Development Authority tax-incentive program, and his successful litigation of a constitutional challenge on behalf of the District Attorneys and Assistant District Attorneys of New York to a statute that would have subjected prosecutors to oversight and discipline by a newly established commission.

Milt’s profile features his efforts to rein in public corruption, including in the closely watched New York corruption case against Joseph Percoco, a top aide to the New York Governor, and two Syracuse businessmen, and where his client was the only individual acquitted of all charges.  Milt’s work as co-head of the Moreland Commission, which investigated corruption in the New York State Assembly and Senate is also highlighted.

View the complete list of The National Law Journal’s 2020 Litigation Trailblazers here.

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