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The Wall Street Journal features Jim Walden in its coverage of the New York State Supreme Court ruling declaring a commission on prosecutorial misconduct unconstitutional

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal features Jim Walden in its coverage of the New York State Supreme Court ruling declaring a commission on prosecutorial misconduct unconstitutional. Walden Macht & Haran litigated the matter pro bono on behalf of the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York on grounds that the commission violated the separation of powers between the three branches of state government.

We are grateful for the Court’s trenchant analysis and thoughtful decision.  The Court eloquently explained what we and our clients have been arguing for over a year: the Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct and its enabling statute are unconstitutional. I am pleased that the hardworking public servants in District Attorneys’ offices throughout the state will be able to do their jobs without the constant threat of unconstitutional oversight.

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