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Jim Walden Profiled in New York Law Journal for Innovation in “Good Government Litigation”

The New York Law Journal

Jim Walden is profiled in the New York Law Journal for his work on several high-profile cases in the area of “good government litigation,” or legal action against the government on behalf of individuals.

Walden has…taken on several high-profile cases in an area of law that’s been coined as “good government litigation,” or legal action against the government on behalf of individuals…Even if attorneys regularly brings litigation against the government, they can still expect to earn the respect of public officials and other attorneys if they achieve results. That’s what happened with him, Walden said. ‘I don’t really care who’s on the other side. What I care about is the problem and while I’m sure that I have ruffled some feathers, I think there’s also a healthy degree of respect that I’m acting for principle not politics.’



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