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The Financial Times Profiles Jim Walden in ‘How to Lead’ Feature – Jim Walden: Writing the Rule Book for Good Government Litigation

The Financial Times

Jim Walden was recently featured in The Financial Times “How to Lead” interview under the headline: “Writing the Rule Book for Good Government Litigation.” The interview illuminates the personalities of high-profile leaders and the issues they have faced.

“Mr Walden says he has learnt how to play ‘multidimensional chess,’ designing complex legal strategies that gradually move power brokers towards his aims. ‘People weren’t operating in this space where government meets citizens and there’s some conflict that has a political angle to it. I thought there was an opportunity to create a practice area that didn’t really exist at the time, which I’ve subsequently called good government litigation. The more that I did, the more attention it got. Then, instead of me looking for cases, the cases started to find me.”

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